Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Welcome Home~

An unforgettable day, 3rd of November 2009.... Finally everything is done. This afternoon me together with my father, went to Timur Raya to welcome my Blue Hippo back. Along the journey, my dad keep bla bla bla to me, because he still prefer me to get a 4 door sedan instead of a sport car, he said what so good about GTR, why all people keep thumb up for this car -_-

When we arrived there, my dad ask me, which one is GTR? I pointed the GTR for him, then he keep silent. After a while, he said real car look nicer than those pictures I show him before. (~PHEW~)

Alex come out and discuss to us about the car document and some basic drive procedure of this car. Then my dad request for the 1st drive of my GTR, he attempt to know why all people praise this car so much, hahaha~ Before we start to go back home, I keep on remind him don't touch the boost controller, I worry he will treat it as "adjust volume button" -_- However, my dad still worry can't handle well of this car, thus Alex himself willing to be volunteer to drive this car home for me as I'm the passenger.

Ok, is time to go back. Wow~ guess what, Alex show me how fast of this car is. I'm stunning.... my body stick on seat all the way when he accelerate, I can only heard loud exhaust sound but can't really see the outside view because is too fast , the car fast like hell....

Welcome home Blue Hippo~ finally we reach home, the 1st reaction of my dad is "WAH~ goh, this car very fast! You must drive slow and careful ok, very dangerous." HAHAHAHAHAHA~ After that, I continue back to work. I can't manage to take any picture, maybe I'll try when I'm free. Once again, Welcome home my Blue Hippo ^_^


  1. Congratulations! SO when can I finally see her? *laughs*

  2. Thx Leo, I also don't know when, I'm shame to said that, I still not so good in handling this car, must take sometime to practice before go for TT. Btw, my rim..... is 8.5JJ off +30 only -_- Sorry bro can't join u guys so soon /_\ Maybe will post some pictures next week, because this week will be at SG for 1 week+. Once again, thank you bro~
