Thursday, November 19, 2009

V-Spec II Inspection

Since outside is raining now, therefore I cancel my practice. Has been a long time inactive in my blog, thus I start writing this topic. How to check the car whether is V-Spec II? Please don't get cheated by car dealers, most of them will always say their car is the latest model but eventually it is not. To prevent this happen, it is good to know how to check the model especially for those who planning to own one at the future.
Few requirements to check V-Spec II:

a.) Is not a good way to prove a car model by its exterior decal. However, for exterior, VS2 and later version base GTR34 has a white signal light whereas VS1 and old version base GTR34 is orange signal light.

Don't judge a car just by its decal.

White signal light instead of orange color.

b.)    Open and check the engine bay. If the VIN plate is blue color and fuse box’s writing is white color, then it is definitely an old version base GTR34 and VS1. The VS2 should come with orange/yellow color fusebox writing and silver color VIN plate! However, this can’t 100% prove the car is VS2 because it maybe a later version base GTR34 too.

VS2 should be come with orange-yellow fusebox writing (Bottom Left) and Silver VIN plate (Top Left)

c.)    Check the MFD screen, VS1 and VS2  consist of  7 items at 1st page of screen which is BOOST, THROTTLE, INJECTOR, OIL TEMPERATURE,  WATER TEMPERATURE, EXHAUST TEMPERATURE and INTAKE TEMPERATURE whereas a  base GTR34(old and later version) is come without the “Exhaust Temperature” and “Intake Temperature”.

Here is the 7 items on MFD screen.

d.)    Place your car key and turn into second stage, an “A-LSD” must be shown at VS1 and VS2 speedometer! Base GTR34(old and later version) don’t have “A-LSD”!

See the A-LSD?

e.)    VS2 come with NACA duct.(Can’t rely much on this because the bonnet can be easily changed for other model)

f.)      Check the handbrake and steering; it should be in silver stitching but not red stitching (VS1)!

g.)    VS2 consist of aluminum sport pedals, black color interior and an iridium silver center console.

Since some of the features above maybe exist at other model too, therefore I make a summary here. Just follow below to prove a V-Spec II:- Naca duct, white signal light, Silver VIN plate, Orange/Yellow fusebox writing, 7 items display on MFD screen, “A-LSD” light at speedometer while turn the key, silver color stitching, aluminum sport pedal, black color interior and iridium silver center console.

Note: the MFD screen must be a stock MFD but NOT from Nismo, or else the car maybe changed from base GTR34 to VS1 or VS2 (if the owner rich enough….. who knows?)

This is the stock MFD, for Nismo MFD it will consist "Nismo" writing on below the GTR.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

2nd Time Of Practice

Since my house don't have any driving way and space for practice, thus I forced to practice on the road at 11PM, the reason I choose this time because the car is lesser in this moment around my area. The main objective of this practice is only "1st gear" practice! This time I had done much better than previously, at least don't have any stall. Anyway, I still need more practice until 100% pass on even surface road, than will continue to train at slope.

Monday, November 9, 2009

1st Time Of Self Driving

Just back from work. Since today reach home earlier, I decided to drive my Blue Hippo for refill petrol after my shower. At the same time, I have to mention this is my 1st time drive this car alone..... Got a bit worry because I'm not so good in control this car. For manual car, normally I only drive my dad's company van but the clutch is totally different between my Blue Hippo(twin plate clutch) and van.....

Along this journey, I have 5 times car stall in 1st gear, sad to say that I really still noob in controlling this car and need more practice. Hopefully some senior can teach me how to handle it, especially the begin of 1st gear, how much gas I have to give? When release the clutch?.... Haizzz....

Anyway, is a good try for myself and I manage to reach home safely ^_^ After back to home, I have took a couple of pictures, feel shame to post it because I only have a tiny car porch..... Not like someone who have huge driving way *laugh*

Still need more practice for this car.

I don't like to take side view, because it only 8.5jj.... (not even the stock dimension)

Anger baby~

Here is the rear view, is it the Nismo LED?

I think it is..... Such a lucky to get this car with everything MODed.

A-LSD + Silver VIN + Orange Fuse box word + Silver stitching(forget to shoot) = V-Spec 2

Less people use this suspension, "OHLINS"

ARC cooling panel.

Previous owner have changed some stock part to aftermarket part.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Welcome Home~

An unforgettable day, 3rd of November 2009.... Finally everything is done. This afternoon me together with my father, went to Timur Raya to welcome my Blue Hippo back. Along the journey, my dad keep bla bla bla to me, because he still prefer me to get a 4 door sedan instead of a sport car, he said what so good about GTR, why all people keep thumb up for this car -_-

When we arrived there, my dad ask me, which one is GTR? I pointed the GTR for him, then he keep silent. After a while, he said real car look nicer than those pictures I show him before. (~PHEW~)

Alex come out and discuss to us about the car document and some basic drive procedure of this car. Then my dad request for the 1st drive of my GTR, he attempt to know why all people praise this car so much, hahaha~ Before we start to go back home, I keep on remind him don't touch the boost controller, I worry he will treat it as "adjust volume button" -_- However, my dad still worry can't handle well of this car, thus Alex himself willing to be volunteer to drive this car home for me as I'm the passenger.

Ok, is time to go back. Wow~ guess what, Alex show me how fast of this car is. I'm stunning.... my body stick on seat all the way when he accelerate, I can only heard loud exhaust sound but can't really see the outside view because is too fast , the car fast like hell....

Welcome home Blue Hippo~ finally we reach home, the 1st reaction of my dad is "WAH~ goh, this car very fast! You must drive slow and careful ok, very dangerous." HAHAHAHAHAHA~ After that, I continue back to work. I can't manage to take any picture, maybe I'll try when I'm free. Once again, Welcome home my Blue Hippo ^_^

A Day Before Get My Blue Hippo

Yesterday received call from Alex, he said when I free to get my car? I feel sorry to park my car there for so many days, thus I told him will go there take my car at tomorrow (which is later afternoon from now). Hopefully my dad will accept my Blue Hippo. Anyway,  my feeling now is very HAPPY but with some unexplainable WORRY, because I worry about those f**ker car thief since GTR is one of the thief magnet car nowadays.....