Monday, May 17, 2010

Another GTR Album

Head up to KLCC with my mum tonight to collect some information about Samsung 3D LED TV because we are planning to swap our old junk Sony flat TV to Samsung 3D LED TV within this few months. After going through few explanation from the salesman, we decided to aim for 7-series either is 40" or 46". Hopefully can get this item as soon as possible for my FFXIII!! I believe it will be awesome if plug and play with the terrific 3D graphic effect TV done by Samsung.
As usual, Kinokuniya is the place where I'll visit every time at KLCC. This time I'm able to found out a great magazine about GTR34, I guess it may not be a new book but I still bought it for collection.


  1. Hey. I got this book too. Surprised it's still selling coz it was like a good few years when I got mine.

    Nice for collection man tho I do not own a GT-R. :P

  2. Bro, it is the last book I saw there ^_^ lucky can get it. Btw, do you have any other book which related to GTR in English version?

  3. In English? Nope, all in Japanese bro.
